Explanations Are Weak And Useless

When Lu Ziheng once again woke up, he was in the hospital.

A female doctor wearing a hospital coat had been patting him on the face. Afterwards, she instructed the chef who had sent him here about which points to take note of after experiencing a heat stroke.

Lu Ziheng struggled to sit up. He was worried that if Shen Qinghuan failed to find him outside Fu Ji's store, then she would assume that he went back on his promise and ran away with her phone.

"Student, I know what you're worried about-" The chef pressed against Lu Ziheng's shoulder. "My wife is watching from the store. She will contact me if someone comes looking for you."

"Thank you."

Lu Ziheng still felt very dizzy, so the nurse helped to lower his temperature. By the time it was evening, there still wasn't any news from the chef's wife.

"Perhaps she was delayed by something!" The chef carefully spoke to the disappointed youth before him.

The high school entrance examinations had ended, and they had also graduated from their third year of school. Therefore, most of their time was freed up. Lu Ziheng could not come up with any reasons for Shen Qinghuan's absence.

Perhaps, the two of them simply belonged to separate worlds.

This phone was considerably valuable to Lu Ziheng, but to Shen Qinghuan, it was something she could probably afford to lose.

The sky darkened.

Lu Ziheng finally gave up completely.

When the chef left to buy him a packet of food, he left behind some money to cover his medical bills and secretly snuck out of the hospital.

In the evening, the city centre's traffic was crowded; however, the bustling city was as transient as he was.

Lu Ziheng eventually returned to his dormitory. Due to last night's lesson, Li Mingkang instinctively trembled at the sight of him.

He stared at the silent Lu Ziheng.

Yet Lu Ziheng seemed to have thought of something since all of a sudden, he ran out of the dormitory before their curfew.

Lu Ziheng stumbled as he ran. He did not have the habit of owing anyone anything, so he followed the path he took last night to return to Shen Qinghuan's home. Once again, he stood before the villa.

Outside the rows of European-styled courtyards, the roses were blooming beautifully.

As Lu Ziheng stood quietly under the moonlight, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

The girl he had been waiting for the entire day was in the midst of interacting with another boy. It was clear she had forgotten about the promise they made.

Even though he had been thinking of her the entire time.

When the boy left, Lu Ziheng straightened his clothes and took a deep breath. He then approached and returned the phone to Shen Qinghuan, who was about to head in.

Shen Qinghuan was slightly astonished. She had failed to find time to fulfill her promise with him and did not expect Lu Ziheng to come looking for her.

It hadn't been easy for her to get rid of Wen Huaibei, and she felt a little guilty. "I didn't intentionally…"

Explanations were the most weak and ineffective existences in this world.

However, Lu Ziheng did not pay any attention to Shen Qinghuan. He simply turned and quickly left, causing Shen Qinghuan to run to be able to catch up to him.

"Student Lu." Shen Qinghuan shouted as she ran. "Walk a little slower."

Even though she had been the one to stand him up.

Even though he had been the only one who valued their promise.

He even specially reserved a basket of beef soup dumplings for her.

Why was it that, when he heard her calling his name, he lost the desire to punish her?

"Student Shen." Lu Ziheng came to a stop, his back very stiff. "I've already returned the phone to you. I also paid the money for the scooter from last night. What else do you want?"

It seemed like…

Lu Ziheng was truly very angry at her.

Shen Qinghuan had yet to respond to his words when her body stumbled against Lu Ziheng's back.

Even so, Lu Ziheng merely turned around and watched Shen Qinghuan with a heavy, distant gaze.

The moonlight illuminated Lu Ziheng's handsome, youthful features. Frankly, Shen Qinghuan wasn't sure where she found the courage to reach out and grab Lu Ziheng's elbow.