Let’s Go Home

Mu Sheng walked down the streets leisurely. It was sunset, so there was a gentle pink hue in the sky.

After working and studying hard all day, everyone was finally able to have a break. All kinds of stall vendors had turned up with their carts in the snack street.

The fragrant scent of fried chicken, fries, baked potatoes, stir-fried noodles, sugar cakes, and all manner of snacks wafted in the air as people gathered around the stalls.

It was the first time Mu Sheng ever saw something like this as well as her first time seeing a snack street.

In her past life, she was sent to work for the government when she was five years old. Ever since she was sent away, she spent her time researching. Her impression of society was stuck at five years old while her brain kept developing at an amazing speed.

She could keenly remember the day she left and it was just like today. It happened on a winter day in the evening when the sky had a pink hue.