What An Unfilial Son

This was a good warning to the others. The others who wanted to make trouble didn't dare to come any further.

Obviously, this guy was very good at martial arts.

"Stop it!" Grandmother Sheng strode over holding Sheng An's hand. "How could you treat my friend like this?"

Sheng You and Kang Weizhen looked at all this coldly, and at first glance, they knew that these people were sent by Grandmother Sheng to make trouble.

Sheng Yang cast a grateful glance at Yi Juncheng. Only then did Yi Juncheng react and show her a gorgeous smile.

Seeing Yi Juncheng's look, Grandma Liu looked back only to realize that so many things had happened in her silent world just now.

Grandfather Sheng stared at Yi Juncheng, somehow getting the sense that this man seemed a bit familiar. He seemed to have seen Yi Juncheng somewhere.

Then he heard that this young man was Sheng Yang's friend, so he didn't think about it any further.