Watch The Competition On My Knees

Bern was the one who suffered from the greatest shock. He stood in place like a statue.

When he first met this girl yesterday, she was obviously a beginner. Was he mistaken? Impossible!

He had thought Asian people were inferior to Europeans, but now his mind was buzzing and he suddenly remembered some movies. Could it be true that Asians knew kung fu? Was that why they could perform these ski tricks with ease?

Seeing that the girl was getting farther and farther away until she was almost out of sight, he hurried over. He didn't believe that the girl who only skied on the beginner's circuit yesterday would be able to challenge the S-level circuit today. If that was the case, then all his hard work over the years would be in vain because she could surpass him in just a day!


At this time, Sheng You and his wife were enjoying their precious alone time in the hot springs.