He's Special

Huang Xiangyu felt that what Zhao Lan said made sense. "But Mom, what are you happy about?"

"If you can't do it, then let your brother do it. He's willing."

"Mom, you want my brother to teach Sheng Yang?"

"Why not?" Speaking of her son, Zhao Lan was quite proud. After all, he was a good student and would have great achievements in the future. "Your brother is more than capable of teaching her."

"Mom…" Huang Xiangyu was a little anxious. If her brother really got together with Sheng Yang, how was she going to marry into a rich family? Wouldn't that mess up their relationship? There would be no chance at all.

However, Zhao Lan refused to listen to her. She hardened her resolve and went to call her son.

Her son had always been interested in Sheng Yang. Back then, he couldn't marry Sheng Yang and fought with her about it for a long time.