Online Dating

This made Sheng Yuxi feel a little embarrassed. Was this what he was talking about just now?

However… he realized that his sister had great potential to be an actress.

Sheng Yuxi stammered, "Sister, your memory is too good."

Sheng Yang looked at the phone matter-of-factly. "It's not like it's your first time finding out."

After hanging up, Sheng Yang decided to stay by the landline, just in case.

Qin Yuan thought that she was quite confident. Could she guarantee that the next call would still be for her?

"Hello, it's me…"

Qin Yuan's smile froze on her face again, looking strangely gloomy.

Kang Weizhen grinned. "Yangyang, you picked up the phone so quickly."

Sheng Yang did not tell her that she was beside the phone, so she was prepared.