
"Although it's not fair, why do I feel that these words sound quite pleasing to the ear?"

Li Rui: "…Yes."

Ji Qingming knew exactly how to trigger the potential of these good students.

The mid-term exams were on the second day, so nobody cared about anything else.

However, on this day, the library was full. The spectacle was grander than usual.

Luo Mengmeng also went to the library and planned to get a seat for Sheng Yang too, but Sheng Yang didn't need it. Hence, Luo Mengmeng didn't do anything unnecessary.

There weren't many people in the dorm, so Qin Yuan didn't leave. She always felt that if she left, Sheng Yang would definitely pick up her textbooks and secretly study.

Who would believe a student who said that they did not revise before the mid-term exams?