The Gentlemen's Agreement Is Broken

At this moment, a delicate and graceful figure appeared at the door.

Even on such an occasion, Sheng Yang didn't change her clothes. She still wore simple sports attire and white sneakers. Since she came from university, it was impossible for her to change her clothes.

Behind her was the tall and burly Lemon. He had a fierce look on his face and looked like a triad boss. It was a stark contrast to her.

Everyone immediately kept quiet but did not return to their seats. They wanted to see how this newly appointed little boss would act.

Before Sheng Yang could say anything, Lemon stood behind the man who was clearly the tallest and strongest among them. The man was tall and sturdy, but after being compared to Lemon, he suddenly became cute and helpless. He raised his head to look at Lemon before swallowing his saliva.

"Yeah?" Lemon's eyes widened until they looked like they were going to pop out of his head. He looked like he wanted to eat someone.