Battle Terminator

"China is indeed a country of etiquette." The tall blue-eyed foreign student was called Yates. When he saw Xue Xue's attitude, he immediately understood everything. However, he, who was born into a noble family, was elegant and noble. He did not show any frivolous or disdainful expression. He was different from that fool, Louis.

He looked at Xue Xue. "Your club is called the Scientific Research TOP Club. Was it established for the TOP Laboratory?"

"Yes, our university's TOP Laboratory is being built."

"It's only being built now?" Yates smirked. "The TOP Laboratory at HF was built in 1988."

He pointed to the other side. "MIT currently has five TOP Laboratories."

Xue Xue said, "HF and MIT are of course the light of the scientific research community."

Yates was pleased with her answer, but at the same time, he immediately classified her under the same dumb category as Louis.