This Is Unfair

People secretly looked at Fu Xiuyuan and Shi Jin as they queued for milk tea.

"Oh god. He is so gorgeous! Is he a superstar?"

"The lady is also super pretty!"

"I feel like taking pictures of them!"

Shi Jin contemplated. She retrieved two masks and got Fu Xiuyuan to put one on.

Fu Xiuyuan beamed when he saw how reluctant Shi Jin was for the other people to see his face.

She did not want others to see his face, and he only wanted to let her admire it.

The people around them noticed that they did not want their pictures taken, so they scattered after taking a quick look.

Moments later, Shi Jin suddenly heard people talking.

"Heavens! He is absolutely hot!"

"Uh huh. Check this out, you guys!"

Shi Jin turned around and saw someone looking at some pictures on the phone.

Shi Jin seemed to take an interest, so the lady showed her the picture. "Isn't he hot?"