Already Finished the Exam

"I just can't stand your grandfather. Even though Shi Jin is awful, he remains protective of her. Is Shi Jin an idiot or something? You were the top humanities scholar in the city and scored over 680 points. If you just helped her a little, it would be such a boon. I am sure she would have no problem getting placement in a university. How could she reject our kind intentions!"

"Perhaps she still doesn't like me."

"What gives her the right? I was just worried that if she could not make it into university, your grandfather would keep spending money to get her a spot."

Shi Xuexin thought about Shi Jin's poor attitude towards her and felt it was fine.

The worse Shi Jin became, the less she would have the chance of outshining Shi Xuexin.


After Wen Yongwei got back to school, she started preparing for her exams. However, Shi Jin got into an argument with her teacher after resuming her studies.