Guarantee There Will Be No Mistakes

"Director Cao."

As Fu Xiuyuan's voice rang out, Director Cao subconsciously straightened his back and straightened his body. He had never been so nervous even when he was facing the investors.

"Please, go on."

"Due to your own mistakes in your work, shouldn't there be an explanation for the trouble and inconvenience that Shi Jin would face?"

Director Cao immediately said, "We will clarify things for Shi Jin on Weibo, but considering that we are afraid that the more we talk about it, the more the public will react, I feel that what the investor said about letting everyone speak with their abilities is more convincing. Shi Jin's ability is definitely not a problem. Of course, we will compensate Shi Jin for wasting her time."

Fu Xiuyuan didn't care about that bit of compensation. However, he wanted a sincere attitude.

"Write the compensation into the contract. Show it to the manager first."