I Believe You Can Do It

She reached out and held his hand. Even the temperature of his palm was lower than before.

She said softly, "We're a quarter of the way through shooting this movie. If I keep the entire crew waiting for me, this waiting will take at least a year, and I'm reluctant to let go of the quarter I've already shot—especially since it's the hardest quarter. So, I want to keep shooting. Nothing went wrong for the first three dangerous months, and I'm sure nothing will go wrong after that. What do you think?"

Fu Xiuyuan continued walking.

Shi Jin knew he was unlikely to accept it for a moment. She kept pace with him.

Fu Xiuyuan seemed to be walking fast, but he was actually walking very slowly, afraid that it would be difficult for her and she would not be able to keep up.

After taking a few steps forward, he stopped.

Shi Jin also stopped and faced him.