Running Speed and Defender, His Name

When Lu Ang was training with the students from the physical education course, he was not used to it. Perhaps it was because the world he saw through his sports glasses was different from the previous matches, or perhaps it was the psychological problems caused by the unexpected aftereffects of his eyes. He did not have the calmness he had during the competition.

Although there didn't seem to be any major problems, the mentality would definitely affect competitiveness.

The players on the field were running. Lu Ang looked completely different from before. There was a sense of authenticity and no longer that cold feeling.

Xia Mengyin ran over. "Coach, long time no see. I'm sorry I'm late."

Wang Tie said, "It's fine. They're still in the middle of the test. There's no need to record anything."

Xia Mengyin gasped for air. "Okay, I'll set up the tripod first."

She set up the equipment, and adjusted the camera to focus into the far distance. Finally it was done.

Hmm? The guy with the sports glasses. Yeah, that's him. Looks like he's been chosen for the school team.

Xia Mengyin was shocked. "Hey, Coach, that player, number 4. The one wearing sports glasses, he…"

Seeing Xia Mengyin's astonishment, Wang Tie said, "Yes, he's a new member, Lu Ang."

Xia Mengyin was even more surprised when she heard his name. "Huh? His name is Lu Ang too? He does look like him but he's definitely not the same person, right?"

Wang Tie smiled. "What do you think?"

Xia Mengyin shook her head. "Impossible, impossible. It's just the same name. Lu Ang isn't like that. Lu Ang is most famous for his eyes. From what I know, there's nothing wrong with his eyes. He's even larger and stronger than the one on the field. They're completely different. The one on the field doesn't have Lu Ang's arrogance."

Wang Tie nodded. He had promised that he would help keep the secret, but who would have thought that Lu Ang was here?

Xia Mengyin asked, "Is he a defender?" After all, his jersey number was four, which easily reminded her of Kompany, one of the most famous defenders in the world.

Wang Tie said, "Yes, I wanted to groom him into an offensive centre-back or midfielder after the competition, but his weight hasn't reached the standard yet. Today is his first day in the team, and we have to see how he complements the team. His flexibility is not bad, and he should be familiar with every position."

Xia Mengyin said, "Then I'm really curious to watch him play defense on the field."

The first player to finish running 10 km was Wei Weiyu. He took 30 minutes, 4 seconds, followed by Lu Ang's 31 minutes, 23 seconds.

The players who had finished running were still walking around in a small area. Chang Yu, Ai Wu, and the other players had also finished running.

Although running speed was also important, for a team sport like soccer that tested comprehensive competitive skills, endurance was not determined by the length of time, but by everyone's situation.

In fact, there weren't many people who could run 10 km in 30 minutes or so. Moreover, a match was 90 minutes in normal time. The average running distance of a professional player was 10 km. This distance included sprinting time and a lot of skillful running. Therefore, simply looking at a player's running speed wasn't a scientific way of judgment.

Ai Wu said to Lu Ang, "I didn't expect you to finish 10 km so fast. You're too fast for a defender, and even better than a forward."

Lu Ang said, "Mm, my running speed is not bad. I want to play as a centre-back, or a defender that is inclined to attack."

Zhang Weiyu said, "That's not easy. It tests one's agility and tackling ability."

Lu Ang nodded.

Chang Yu pointed at Xia Mengyin. "The record keeper who I haven't seen in a long time is here again."

Lu Ang looked in the direction he pointed.

It was indeed Xia Mengyin.

After Wu Youming finished his run, he introduced her to Lu Ang, "She is Xia Mengyin, a journalism major in our school. She also likes soccer and would come over to help sometimes. Last summer, she was also the one who helped us record videos and take photos."

Lu Ang didn't know why, but his heart suddenly started racing. Was it because his anxiety was acting up again? He pinched himself. He couldn't. Not like this.

Chang Yu said, "Don't look at how harmless she looks like a primary school student. In fact, she's even more annoying than my mother when it comes to nagging. Sigh, why would there be such a girl?"

Lu Ang replied, "Huh?"

Ai Wu said, "That's right. You'll find out later. It's really boring to be with her. She'll do anything…"

Chang Yu covered Ai Wu's mouth. "Don't tell him. Let the new member experience it for himself."

Lu Ang didn't feel anything wrong. Her voice was actually a little childish, so it was inevitable that it would be a little funny when she spoke in a serious manner. However, when he thought about her voice that night, it was very powerful.

Wu Youming replied, "Don't listen to their nonsense. Mengyin is great."

Chang Yu nudged Ai Wu. "Only the Captain thinks so, hahaha."

Xia Mengyin saw Lu Ang looking at her and waved.

Indeed, clothes make the man. Seeing Lu Ang in a jersey, Xia Mengyin felt that it was completely different from that night at the field.

Because he had just finished running 10km and it was during a short break, Xia Mengyin walked to Lu Ang's side. "So your name's Lu Ang too. The feeling of you wearing a team uniform is really different from before, especially when you wear your sports glasses. You really look like an athlete. Good luck."

Lu Ang nodded. He felt that his heart was beating faster than ever.

Chang Yu spat out a mouthful of water. "You two know each other?"

Xia Mengyin nodded. "Yes, but I only found out his name today."

Lu Ang nodded in agreement.

Coach Wang Tie clapped his hands. "Alright, rest time is over. Now set up the venue signs and begin practicing snake-shaped positioning. Everyone has to train. Wu Youming and Cheng Liang, guard the goalpost."

Wang Tie looked at Xia Mengyin and said, "Forget it, I will hold the training competition this afternoon instead. You can help me watch them train now, there's no need to record anything."

Coach Wang Tie's training was always so capricious. Xia Mengyin put on an OK hand gesture, promising that she would complete the task. Other than Lu Ang, everyone knew that Xia Mengyin, the spy, was about to start working again.

Ai Wu whispered to Lu Ang, "Don't slack off, or she'll nag you to death."

Lu Ang nodded.

Wu Youming said, "Everyone, work hard, work hard."

In the afternoon.

Coach Wang Tie said, "Alright, everyone warm up by yourselves. Let's begin the competition."

Upon hearing Coach Wang Tie's words, the team members began to kick their legs and stretch their arms as they warmed up.

Xia Mengyin had already prepared her equipment. Every time at that moment, she would use the DSLR to record videos and observe the game like a broadcaster.

In the camera, there were a total of 25 players. They were split into two teams A and B, with 22 players each. The other three players were the judges. One was the referee, and two were the linesmen. The coach was in the middle of the line, holding the technical statistics board.

Coach Wang Tie's training rule was that whoever violated the rules would be rotated to one of the referees. This would achieve the effect of training everyone. In addition, letting the team members be the referees would allow them to better understand the perspective of the referees on the field. This would be more beneficial for them to grasp the rules on the field. The reason why the rules were changed was also to tell them that since the referee gave a ruling, there would definitely be a price to pay, even during training. And if they ruled wrongly, they would be punished to copy the rules five times after training.

Although they felt that Coach Wang Tie's training rules were weird, the team members were already used to it.