Ignorant of the World

Lu Ang frowned and shook his head.

Wei Xinheng said, "It's been more than two to three months since you last appeared in a competition. Didn't you read the comments online?"

Lu Ang replied, "Not interested."

Wei Xinheng said, "Bro, didn't you see the news? Someone leaked to the media that your relationship with your coach isn't good, and your condition isn't great either. Also, our club keeps using you to create hype, and there are all sorts of meaningless interviews online. Are you really not going to tell the outside world what happened to you?"

Lu Ang replied calmly, "It's okay. I know what I should do next."

Wei Xinheng said, "You're still so ignorant."

Lu Ang responded, "Is it really okay for you to expose your club's publicity for me?"

Wei Xinheng was angry, but Lu Ang kept staring at his phone and smiling. The former snatched the phone away. "What are you looking at? You're not listening to me at all."


Before he could see clearly, the phone was snatched away by Lu Ang.

Lu Ang opened the portraits on his phone. "Didn't you see that someone sent me my photo?"

As a matter of fact, Xia Mengyin had edited the photo with Lu Ang in the reflective glasses into an emoticon and added the statement, "Your eyes are as wide as brass bells."

This really made Lu Ang laugh.

Wei Xinheng said, "Even though you don't admit it, there's definitely something going on. When I took your phone in the past, you never had such a reaction. Also, I haven't seen any other expression on your face in the past three years."

Someone or something had definitely changed Lu Ang.

Lu Ang replied, "There's really nothing going on. The only thing on my mind is the competition."

Wei Xinheng said, "Alright, alright, got it."

A few days later.



Relevant news suddenly spread.

Zhang Yu asked, "What's going on with Lu Ang? I heard he got injured during training? Andong City's professional team is not bad. They said that Xia Chuang is willing to sign him. Did they already come to an agreement? But, isn't Xia Chuang going to be here for a long time?"

Xia Mengyin said, "What?" She looked at the report carefully. "He was injured during training, but these reports are too vague. They didn't say where he was injured. I don't understand."

Zhang Yu said, "I hope he recovers quickly. Without him, I don't even want to watch the competition."

Xia Mengyin said, "That's true, everyone likes to watch the top league. Now that you mention it, it's been a long time since I've watched the Youth Soccer League."

Zhang Yu said, "Actually there's only one channel for the broadcast and the quality is often bad. We can only watch the live-stream online."

Xia Mengyin replied, "I haven't heard anything about Lu Ang."

Actually, Wei Xinheng was the one who released the first two pieces of news. The second piece of news was because he was Andong City's news officer. The club needed to release this piece of news, so he had no choice but to do it. The first piece of news was approved by Lu Ang because one day, he would announce his injury to the public. Now, he would just have to vaguely announce it.

On Wednesday, the morning training was over. The team members were already heading out of the training ground for lunch. Lu Ang went to the washroom alone with his training bag as usual. He just wanted to change his glasses privately.

He looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was a little messy, so he casually combed it.

On the training ground, Coach Wang Tie called out to Wu Youming.

Wang Tie said, "Youming."

Wu Youming stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong, Coach?"

As he replied, he gestured for Ai Wu and Chang Yu to go to the dining hall.

Wang Tie asked, "How have you been getting along with Lu Ang recently?"

Wu Youming didn't know what to say. "Coach, are you talking about training? He's not bad."

Wang Tie patted his shoulder with the data board. "Of course I know that. I mean in private."

Wu Youming scratched his head. "Privately? We don't have much contact in private. Didn't he take a break from school previously? Besides training with us, if he has other classes, isn't he with the first-year students?"

So that's the case. It seems like it is just as Zhang Lei had said. Lu Ang doesn't like to interact with others. Wang Tie thought about it.

Seeing Wang Tie remain silent, Wu Youming asked him, "So Coach, is there a problem?"

Wang Tie said, "It's nothing. Look, the University Soccer League is about to start. Lu Ang has just joined the team. You guys should interact more with him."

Wu Youming nodded. "Yes, no problem."

Wang Tie asked, "Does your dormitory have an extra bed?"

Wu Youming answered, "Yes."

Wang Tie said, "Ask Lu Ang when the time comes. You're the captain. Ask him to come to the school and stay with you."

Wu Youming's jaw dropped. "Huh? I was wondering why I never saw him at the dormitory. I thought he was living with another faculty, but it turns out he never stayed at school."

He knocked his head again. "It's my bad. I should have known. He might not have a new bed when he goes back to school. It's my fault. Don't worry, Coach. I'll contact him soon."

Wang Tie was satisfied. He knew that the captain he chose back then was a warm-hearted and caring person. He had the maturity and steadiness that many others did not have.

Wang Tie said, "Alright, go and grab lunch."

Wu Youming answered, "Alright, Coach."

Lu Ang had also changed his glasses and was walking out of the training ground. Coincidentally, Wu Youming was right in front of him. He thought about it and decided not to greet him.

Lu Ang knew that Wu Youming was a good person.

Wu Youming sensed something behind him. He suddenly turned around and met Lu Ang's gaze.

Wu Youming was also surprised, because he had just sent Lu Ang a message in the "Iron Triangle" group chat, saying that he might move into the dormitory. Zhang Yu and Ai Wu were discussing Lu Ang and yet, Lu Ang was right behind Wu Youming.

Wu Youming called out, "Lu Ang."

Lu Ang answered, "Hello, Captain."

Wu Youming said, "Why are you still behind me? You're slower than me!"

Lu Ang replied, "Yeah, I changed my glasses."

Wu Youming said, "Oh right, let's go to the dining hall."

Lu Ang nodded. "Okay."

Wu Youming looked at his phone. "By the way, Lu Ang, what do you want to eat? I'll get Chang Yu to buy it first. That way, we can eat directly when we get there."

Could he do that? Lu Ang thought.

Wu Youming saw that he didn't say anything and asked, "Hmm? So what do you want to eat?"

Lu Ang said, "Rice will do; double fish slices and shredded chicken rice."

Wu Youming sent the message to the group chat and said to Lu Ang, "So you're still in the weight gain stage?"

Lu Ang nodded.

This awkward atmosphere made Wu Youming feel that it wasn't appropriate for Lu Ang to stay with them.

He sent a message to the group: Lu Ang will be having his meal with us later. Remember to be more cheerful. Don't make him feel distant.

Chang Yu replied, No problem.

In the dining room, they sat at a table. Lu Ang said, "Thanks for buying the food for me."

Chang Yu replied, "Don't mention it, it's nothing."

Lu Ang said, "I'll give you cash later."

Chang Yu said, "I don't…" Just as he was about to say that he didn't like it, he looked at Lu Ang and said, "How about this, I'll treat you this time, and you'll treat me next time, okay? Come, let's add each other as friends."

Lu Ang could not refuse and could only do as he was told.

At the side, Ai Wu also added Lu Ang.

Wu Youming thought to himself that Chang Yu was really quite quick-witted. This way, they could often communicate with Lu Ang during meals and deepen their understanding.

After a few days, Lu Ang became familiar with them. He felt that these people were quite interesting.