Collective-living Lifestyle

The training period for Wednesdays was the shortest within the week. It lasted until four in the afternoon.

Ai Wu said, "Lu Ang, you're too ruthless. Why are you getting more and more serious about soccer?" Ai Wu, who was 175 cm, jumped up and hooked his arm around Lu Ang's shoulder.

Lu Ang replied, "Ruthless? Serious?"

Chang Yu said, "Exactly, you're too focused when you train."

Lu Ang asked, "Isn't this normal?"

He only realized what it meant when he was hospitalized for a month. Every training session was precious.

Ai Wu shook his head. "You still don't understand."

Chang Yu said, "But Lu Ang, you must have been scared by the physical fitness coach you just met."

Lu Ang thought for a moment. It was not that he was scared, but the physical fitness coach did look a little intimidating. He was an official that Coach Wang Tie had specially hired from Anxi City's professional club to occasionally give them physical fitness training. Although he was indeed a little stricter than Coach Wang Tie, it was not enough to scare Lu Ang. After all, he had previously played for the Youth Soccer League. A head coach would have two assistant coaches, so under those circumstances, it was stricter than the school's.

Lu Ang responded, "Not really."

Wu Youming said, "Alright, our teammates are all gone. Didn't we say yesterday that Lu Ang will be moving to our dormitory? Everyone, help him move his stuff."

Ai Wu said, "Yes, yes, yes. I almost forgot. Where is your apartment? Let us help you."

Lu Ang replied, "It's not far. It's right beside the school. We only need to take some things that I usually use."

Chang Yu said, "If you move here, we will all be brothers. No matter how many things you have, we will welcome you, at the very least."

Lu Ang thought that perhaps this was what Wei Xinheng meant by the so-called interaction with people. Since they were already so passionate, he couldn't reject them. Moreover, after observing them for so long, these three people were indeed very nice. Xia Mengyin also said that even though they had different personalities, they were decent people and could be considered to be on good terms with him.

After walking for 15 minutes, they finally left the school. Five minutes later, Wu Youming, Chang Yu, and Ai Wu arrived at the apartment under Lu Ang's lead.

Zhang Yu pointed in surprise. "You live here? In this duplex residential area?"

Lu Ang nodded.

The environment of this neighborhood was very good. It was basically a two-story residential area. Lu Ang rented a home with one bedroom, one living room, and two floors. Once they entered Lu Ang's room, the team members already felt that things were not so simple.

Lu Ang's room was filled with soccer-related items. The large boxes at the door were filled with all sorts of models and colors of soccer boots, as well as studded soccer boots for the indoor venue… Many cheering products and teams' scarves were also hung in the living room, but the most eye-catching thing was the clothes rack on the wall of the gym equipment. There was a row of Manchester City jerseys hanging on it. At a glance, there were at least 50 to 60 pieces. The home, away, and third jerseys for every season were available, and he also had the players' versions.

Chang Yu said, "Bro, this is really a soccer base. I thought you were just staying here temporarily, but I didn't expect your equipment to be so complete."

Wu Youming looked at Lu Ang's living room and understood that Lu Ang was a child like Zhang Yu who did not need to worry about money.

Ai Wu said, "It's over for me. Chang Yu is a Manchester United fan, but Lu Ang is a Manchester City fan. Wouldn't I be surrounded?"

Ai Wu was a Liverpool fan.

Chang Yu knocked into Ai Wu. "No, we're all relatives in the Premier League. Let's work together to deal with Wu Youming."

Everyone looked at Wu Youming. After all, he was the only Dortmund fan.

Lu Ang, who was at the side, said, "It's fine. My house will be empty in the future. When we're free in the future, we can watch the soccer matches here. I can simply use the projector on the wall here."

Wu Youming walked up to Lu Ang's CD case. The CD beside it was all about Westlife.

Lu Ang saw that Wu Youming was looking at his collection. "Leave this here. I won't have a chance to use it even if I move to the dormitory."

Wu Youming came back to his senses. "Yeah, but you like them?"

Lu Ang nodded. "You too?"

Wu Youming said, "That's right." It was also when he was young and faced the difficulties of his family that he heard their songs at the shops in town. It was only after he went to university that he knew more about this band. Although his English wasn't good, the lyrics gave him strength.

Lu Ang took out a CD from the cabinet below. "This is my favorite album, Coast to Coast. When I heard it, it had already been released for 10 years. I asked my dad to buy it in England. I have two of them, so how about I give one to you since you like it?"

Wei Xinheng said that boys should be generous.

Even though a real man wouldn't accept food in contempt and even if Wu Youming's family background was poor, he had never owed Chang Yu or Ai Wu anything in his dorm, and he didn't like taking advantage of others. But now, Lu Ang's eyes were sincere, so Wu Youming accepted the album. "Thank you."

Lu Ang said, "My main training attire and the clothes I need to wear are all ready. They're in the suitcase, and I can just take them down. The things on the bed are on this sofa. I might need your help to take them."

Chang Yu saw another box next to the sofa. It was filled with books. He flipped through it. "Human science, soccer… We have all of them. But what are those physics, biology, chemistry, and even English books?"

Ai Wu said, "No idea."

Lu Ang came down. "Oh, those books are heavier. I'll carry them."

Chang Yu asked, "What are you doing with these books?"

Lu Ang said, "Because soccer's trajectory, speed, and angle are all related to physics. Biology and chemistry make you understand yourself and eat better. Isn't that science?"

Chang Yu was stunned. "I got no idea, but you seem like a really good student."

Wu Youming's arm strength was the strongest, so he helped Lu Ang carry shoes, sneakers, leg guards, and other equipment, though it was only one box. Meanwhile, Ai Wu helped him carry the blanket and other items. Lu Ang held the suitcase with one hand and the books with the other. As for Chang Yu…

Chang Yu said, "Alright, I have nothing else to do." He pulled Lu Ang's luggage with one hand.

Lu Ang asked, "What are you doing?"

Chang Yu said, "You're the first-year junior, of course I'll give you special care."

Junior… But I'm not young anymore…

Lu Ang thought to himself. Besides, the box wasn't heavy.

Wu Youming said, "Originally, this empty bed was filled with miscellaneous things, but since you're here, we've already taken everything away."

After quickly helping Lu Ang with his stuff, it was time to eat.

Chang Yu said, "Since a new brother has come to our dormitory, why don't we go out for a gathering?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ai Wu said, "I know what you're thinking, but it's still a weekday. If you go to the nightclub, Coach Wang Tie will skin you alive."

Wu Youming suddenly recalled. "Oh right, Lu Ang, I haven't told you yet. The rules of the team states that you are not allowed to go to the entertainment venue during weekdays. Also, you are not allowed to eat anything outside of school during the week before the competition."

Lu Ang said, "I know. Also, I never go to nightclubs."

Ai Wu leaned over. "Wait, what? Are you kidding me? Even our honest Ai Wu has been there under our leadership. Are you sure you haven't been there?"

Lu Ang nodded seriously.

Could it be that all the team members liked to go to these places? Why was it the same as when he was in the provincial team? Previously, Lu Ang had asked Wei Xinheng, and the answer he got was that there were places where people didn't want to go after going once, while there were some people who would become addicted. Most of the time, strict and mechanical training could easily make people want to indulge and escape, and nightclubs were often a place to vent.

Lu Ang blurted out, "Could it be that I'm abnormal?"

Chang Yu replied, "What's so abnormal about it? I'll definitely show you around Anxi City's nightclubs when I have time. Maybe it's not what you think it is. No one is forcing you to do anything. Since you're strictly abiding by the rules of the team, then you can only eat some farm vegetables outside the school. It's organic and harmless!"

Chang Yu looked at Wu Youming. After all, he was the captain.

Wu Youming said, "Then let's go out for a gathering."

Lu Ang remembered that in the provincial team, there were also team members who would invite him privately a few times. "Lu Ang, do you want to go for a dance?"

As usual, they were rejected by him.

And they probably felt that he was pretending to be sanctimonious.

Lu Ang knew all the things that were said behind his back. He just pretended that he didn't know, as if the world had nothing to do with him.