
"Looks like there's nothing wrong with your ankle." Xia Mengyin watched Lu Ang walk.

He was already tall, about 25 to 30cm taller than Xia Mengyin, so the latter appeared tiny beside him. When the two of them walked together on campus, it was very easy for people to misunderstand them as a couple. It was such a coincidence that the two of them were wearing the same Manchester City jersey and also wearing sports pants. They were even carrying two-strap backpacks over their shoulders.

Xia Mengyin could feel that Lu Ang was deliberately slowing down.

"Mengyin, shall we go eat hotpot?" Lu Ang asked.

Xia Mengyin was delighted. "Sure. How did you know I really wanted to eat hotpot recently?"

Lu Ang thought, Didn't you mention this one time during lunch at the cafeteria? And according to my observations, she really likes spicy food.

Lu Ang said, "I haven't eaten hotpot in a long time."

Xia Mengyin said, "Oh, right, you athletes shouldn't eat spicy food all the time. I know that, especially when it comes to delicacies. But will eating these really affect your abilities? I see that many of our school members love to eat barbecue and hotpot."

Lu Ang thought for a while and said, "It will still affect me, especially if I eat them frequently. But I can still change my taste during holidays. I don't really eat them, only occasionally."

Actually, Lu Ang belonged to the category of people who only ate hotpot a few times a year, and the food he ate was not spicy. He did not allow his body to be enticed by food, for fear of being affected.

Xia Mengyin was already happily running ahead. "I'll bring you to a mall near the school. The hotpot there is really delicious, and the meat is provided by our family, so there's definitely no problem."

Lu Ang nodded. "Sure. I seldom stroll around the outside of school."

Xia Mengyin asked, "Huh? That pitiful?"

Lu Ang said, "It's my problem. Sometimes, the captain and the rest would ask me to go out at night, but I'm either training or doing other things."

"Don't worry, I'm here today. I'll bring you out for some fun," Xia Mengyin said happily.

She knew that he would go to the training ground to practice every night. This was something she had learned from Coach Wang Tie. Actually, she admired Lu Ang. Wang Tie had said that Lu Ang was an extremely disciplined person. He had his own plans and would never fall behind.

When they arrived at the mall, there were indeed a lot of people today. Xia Mengyin knew that there was no chance of taking the elevator.

"Let's take the escalator."

Lu Ang nodded behind her. He looked around and then said to her, "Hold on, I'm heading there for a bit."

Xia Mengyin said, "Huh? I'll go with you then."

Lu Ang went to a beverage shop and said to Xia Mengyin, "Mengyin, what do you want to drink?"

Xia Mengyin was surprised. She thought he had forgotten that she was thirsty. She said, "Oolong tea, I don't like milk tea."

Lu Ang remembered it in his heart.

The staff said, "We're having a promotion for the purchase of a big cup; buy one get one free."

Lu Ang said, "Okay." He paid the money directly.

When both cups were handed over, Lu Ang said, "Such a big cup."

Xia Mengyin took one of them and said, "Try it, theirs is really delicious."

Lu Ang shook his head. "I don't usually consume outside drinks. Both cups are yours. I'll hold this one for you first."

Xia Mengyin pouted and said, "Fine, I wanted to let you have a taste. Since you're going to play next week, I'll let it go. I'll enjoy two cups alone then."

Lu Ang subconsciously reached out to touch her head, but held back. His hand turned to scratch his own head, and he smiled. "Let's go eat."

They took the escalator and went upstairs. Lu Ang specially made Xia Mengyin stand in front of him. Both of them were standing on the right side. In the end, when they were one-third of the way up the escalator, a child rushed down on the same escalator.

Seeing that the child was about to bump into her, Xia Mengyin gave way to him. However, the child lost his balance and fell down, and Xia Mengyin stumbled as well. Lu Ang subconsciously dropped the cup of tea he was holding with his left hand. He leaned against the escalator and pulled Xia Mengyin into his arms. Naturally, Xia Mengyin leaned her head on his shoulder and hugged his neck with both hands. The tea in her hands had already slid down Lu Ang's back.

But the child…

At that moment, the security guard had already pressed the button to stop the escalator. Fortunately, Lu Ang was heavier and did not lose his balance.

Lu Ang said, "Hold on tight to me, Yinyin."

Xia Mengyin was still hugging Lu Ang. Lu Ang only used his right hand to hug her, then used his left hand to lift the child up.

He carried Xia Mengyin with one hand and held the child's collar with the other, walking to the third floor on the escalator.

Xia Mengyin was really shocked. She was still hanging on Lu Ang's body.

Lu Ang "threw" the child to the ground.

The child's mother was obviously frightened and hurriedly thanked Lu Ang and Xia Mengyin.

Xia Mengyin was on Lu Ang's body, and their chests were pressed against each other. Xia Mengyin did not know if it was her own heartbeat or Lu Ang's. Lu Ang was the same, and he was panicking too. He had never had such contact with a girl before, and his heart was about to jump out.

When he came back to his senses, Xia Mengyin hurriedly patted Lu Ang's back. Lu Ang quickly and carefully placed Xia Mengyin down.

"Are you alright, Mengyin?"

Xia Mengyin replied, "I'm fine, thank you."

The child's mother looked at her. "Thank you. We'll take our leave now."

Xia Mengyin looked at the mother and son who wanted to leave. "No, your child hasn't apologized or thanked him yet."

The mother replied, "But I've already apologized."

Xia Mengyin said, "But your child is naughty."

The mother looked helpless as she spanked her child. "Hurry up and apologize."

However, the child kept crying and did not say a word.

Lu Ang saw that this was a waste of time, so he said to Xia Mengyin, "Forget it, I'm fine too. Let's go eat quickly."

Xia Mengyin was actually very unwilling, but Lu Ang had already said so.

In the end, the child's mother told her child from behind, "If you meet such a woman in the future, stay away from her. She won't let you off."

In the end, Lu Ang heard it. He could clearly feel the anger in his heart.

He pulled Xia Mengyin to the child's side and lifted the child up. "Hurry up and apologize to her."

Xia Mengyin was stunned. She did not expect Lu Ang to be like this. The mother and son probably felt Lu Ang's strong attitude. Since he was tall and strong, they had no choice but to apologize.

However, they all knew that this kind of person would only submit to a tough attitude and not sincerely apologize.

The mother and son walked away.

Lu Ang smiled at Xia Mengyin. "That's great, I've never been like this before."

Xia Mengyin was confused. "Huh?"

Lu Ang said, "Thank you, Mengyin. I'm so happy today."

Xia Mengyin said, "What are you so happy about? Are you happy because your clothes are dirty, or that you didn't get to eat lunch?"

In the end, both of them laughed. Neither of them realized that they were still holding hands.

When they arrived at the hotpot restaurant, Xia Mengyin finally realized what was going on. She quickly let go of her hand, feeling awkward between the two of them.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Xia Mengyin told Lu Ang, "We'll go look at some new clothes and a bag after dinner."

Lu Ang nodded.