No Aura

To everyone's knowledge, Lu Ang shouldn't be like this.

The first time he had joined the soccer team, he had said so little that Ai Wu could almost see him cowering. However, Lu Ang's speed, pass, and accuracy in catching the ball had really impressed him. Apart from that, he had no particular impression of him on the first day.

The soccer field was indeed Lu Ang's greatest shining point. Other times, although he was tall, he was a man with a very low presence. He didn't like to talk, and although it was okay to talk to them about soccer, they knew very little about anything other than soccer.

Just like an invisible man who would only appear in specific situations.

Lu Ang stood up and sat on the stool, drying his hair with a towel.

He continued, "But look at me now. I'm the original me. This is me."

He didn't exude that strong of an aura, nor was he arrogant.

Chang Yu exclaimed, "Huh? Heavens, how could this be?"

Chang Yu felt that he had suffered a huge psychological blow. Although he had long realized that there was something hidden under Lu Ang's glasses, he had never cared about it.

Boys would not observe their brothers so closely.

Chang Yu had long treated Lu Ang as a brother, although he didn't know if Lu Ang thought so. He had always thought that Lu Ang was very good at soccer, and now that he knew that he was the real Lu Ang, he felt that Lu Ang was even more impressive.

Lu Ang smiled. "My skills are all real. I still have to play in the competition."

Chang Yu clicked his tongue. "Tsk, who wants to listen to this? We only want to listen to gossip."

Lu Ang sighed. "It's a pity that there's no gossip."

Lu Ang thought that even if there was gossip, he did not want to tell them.

Seeing Lu Ang relax, Ai Wu joked, "So you really didn't do that with your teammates?"

Lu Ang was really amused by Ai Wu. What could he have with his previous teammates?

Lu Ang shook his head. "I don't usually live with them, so what can happen? Sigh. Besides, the turnover rate in the Youth Soccer League is so high, and you guys are also aware that I'm the only one who stayed longer."

Chang Yu asked, "So you really haven't been in one?"

Lu Ang looked at Wu Youming. "What?"

Wu Youming answered, "Yes, that."

Lu Ang instantly understood. He was helpless. "I've said it before, I've never been in a relationship. Why don't you guys believe me?"

Chang Yu said, "Who would believe that? You have such a figure and are so popular with the female fans."

Chang Yu remembered that there were too many beautiful fans of Lu Ang's. There were also internet celebrities and fitness coaches who often flirted with him. It was simply too much.

Lu Ang said, "Anyway, I've already said it. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Other people have misunderstood me for a long time."

Lu Ang was clearly impatient. He wondered if these people were the same as the people outside.

Ai Wu said, "There really are players like you? Oh my god, if I were your future girlfriend, I don't know if I'd be happy or not."

Lu Ang said, "You? I don't like you."

Lu Ang's words made Ai Wu speechless. He thought, Lu Ang, oh Lu Ang. Your answer is really not on point.

Chang Yu raised an eyebrow. "What type of girl do you like?"

Lu Ang said, "Why should I tell you?"

Chang Yu felt that Lu Ang, who took off his glasses and spoke in an impatient tone, was indeed a little like the Lu Ang in the reports.

The three people's impression of Lu Ang was as follows.

Wu Youming's deepest impression of him was when he had just started university. Back then, Coach Wang Tie had chosen him to be the goalkeeper of the soccer team. One day, he had told him, "Youming, do you usually watch the Youth Soccer League? You can observe Lu Ang's attacks more. It's very unique and will be good for your goalkeeping."

What Wu Youming remembered the most was Lu Ang's first finals in the Youth Soccer League. He had fought the entire match without any pressure or fatigue. Moreover, he dared to face many defensive players and always managed to find an opening to attack.

After listening to the captain's narration, Lu Ang said, "That's right. I've always had good stamina and a strong physique. Actually, I wasn't as tall back then. I wasn't even 1.8 meters tall."

Wu Youming nodded. At that time, Lu Ang's offensive advantage was very obvious. Now, Lu Ang actually had another offensive advantage as well, but Wu Youming knew that he had already entered the defensive lineup.

Chang Yu, on the other hand, paid attention to a different point. "I feel that you've always had quite a personality. Just like how you became popular too quickly, and how you were always MVP afterward, but you weren't around at every press conference. Also, when some reporters interviewed you, you just left without saying a word. Wow, that scene was extremely awkward. However, it was also because of this that you were quite mysterious, so we didn't realize that you were Lu Ang. The arrogant aura you displayed previously was liked by many girls, just like Zhang Yu. Most importantly, you're indeed handsome, I admit that."

Lu Ang smiled bitterly. "Every time I finish the competition, I don't want to talk at all. I don't want to appear on screen either. The more you answer the reporters, the more they would ask you. So I might as well not answer."

Moreover, he didn't like to reveal too much of his emotions to others, especially to strangers.

Chang Yu said, "Wow! Who knew that this was your reason for not speaking."

Ai Wu gasped, "I can't believe it. You're actually such a person. I was so cheated."

Wu Youming said, "Alright, alright. If you play well in the University Soccer League, you can become the next Lu Ang."

Lu Ang said, "We are on the same starting point now. I need you guys to keep this a secret for me."

Lu Ang actually felt that revealing himself to others wasn't a big deal. However, he felt that this wasn't possible because he was still unsatisfied with his own standards. He didn't want to be seen by the public just like that. Moreover, there were too many influences in the world of soccer. He wasn't sure if he could handle it.

Wu Youming patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry. The three of us will keep it a secret for you. But when do you plan on telling the others?"

Lu Ang said, "I've never thought about it. Let's focus on the competition first."

He really wanted to recover quickly.

Lu Ang sometimes wondered if he cared too much about himself or overestimated himself. He was just a small fry on the field, but why did he always think so far ahead? It was really as Doctor Wang had said when she first saw him. "Most of the pressure you endured came from yourself. You could never let it go, and others could not do anything about it. I believe that you have always been very strong, but it's not impossible to confide in others at the right time."

He didn't seem to have mastered this skill, but why did he have to tell others about himself? Those unrelated people had no need to know.