Becoming Famous Overnight (1)

" Aiyoyo, look at how our Zhiqiu's face is red! " Qu Shan laughed. " I'm not teasing you! Let's go get food! We still have a lot of work to do in the afternoon!"

"Mm, alright!"

Lin Zhiqiu had just arrived at this factory not long ago. He had only been working for more than half a month. His position was not bad. He worked in the logistics department, mainly managing the warehouse and the registration of the items in the factory.

In the past half a month, she had managed to get along well with the people around her. Everyone liked her more.

A few girls laughed and squeezed into the cafeteria to get food. When the workshop workers saw Lin Zhiqiu, they all made way for her.

Usually, they would go to the warehouse to get some things. They had also interacted with this girl. She always had a smile on her face, spoke softly, and was polite. It really made people like her.