A Huge Loss (1)

"I'm sorry, I was just pretending." Lin Zhiqiu took on everything by herself. " The good and the bad are all my pretense! Originally, those in good condition were given to the leader at first. After the leader took them away, there were only a few left! We gave it to the technical department! The other units were larger, so they definitely couldn't give out such fruits!

If a unit starts to raise objections, we won't be able to explain ourselves! This is how the distribution is not fair. I hope you can understand our difficulties!"

Lin Zhiqiu's words were very good. He directly pushed the root of the problem to the leader.

After all, who would dare to take the leader seriously?

Moreover, she had also said that the distribution would definitely not be completely fair. If Su Hanyan were to go to the factory because of this, then the warehouse would also have an excuse. In the end, Su Haoyan would be left with a reputation for being calculative.