Pay Her Double (1)

Lin Zhiqiu's heart skipped a beat. She already had a guess in her mind. Su Hanyan had probably already looked for Qu Shan, so Qu Shan should know something by now.

"Calm down, Qu Shan! Listen to me…"

"Listen to what you said? Listen to you lie to me again?" Qu Shan rushed up to pull her hair and slapped her face with her big mouth.

The more Su Hanyan slapped her, the more she hated Lin Zhiqiu.

Lin Zhiqiu saw stars after two slaps. The last time she experienced this feeling was at the Su family's house, when Su Hanyan slapped her. However, Qu Shan's strength was stronger than Su Hanyan's, and the slaps were more painful.

Pain was one thing, but when she thought about how she had been beaten up in front of Zhou Ningkai and how she had lost her image, she felt despair. Tears immediately flowed down her cheeks.