Good Method (1)

Su Jingrui held his pee and rushed out, afraid that he would scare away the adulterous couple. Under the moonlight, he saw a scene that made him agitated. Lin Zhiqiu unbuttoned her collar and exposed her neck to the side, letting the man apply the ointment on her.

The man's fingers gently caressed her neck and collarbone. Was that ointment? She was clearly taking advantage of him in the name of applying ointment.

He was burning with anger as he strode towards them.

Zhou Ningkai was applying ointment on Lin Zhiqiu. Suddenly, he heard the cracking sound of a dead branch being stepped on. He stopped abruptly and looked up to see a dark figure walking toward them.

"Who is it?" he asked nervously.

Seeing this, Lin Zhiqiu hurriedly buttoned his shirt. If this was discovered, Zhou Ningkai's reputation would be ruined. She didn't want to work in this factory anymore, but she couldn't drag Zhou Ningkai down with her.