Hard to Speak (1)

"Why not?" Jin Yan saw that her brows were furrowed together and said with a smile, " Your generation is much happier than ours. You don't have to worry about food and drink, so you're a little picky about what you eat. We were so hungry that we even ate the bark and leaves of trees!"

"Grandma Jin…" Yan Jia really couldn't eat anymore. " This food is too unpalatable. Sister Yanyan's cooking is too bad. "

"I'm fine." " If you don't like it, you can eat it at home, " Jin Chen said directly.

This sentence hit Yan Jia's heart. How could she not want to go home?

However, she was too embarrassed to leave just like that, so she gritted her teeth and said,"Who said I wanted to go home? Even if it tastes bad, I can still endure it!"

"That's right." Jin Yan picked up the plate and placed half of the dish into her bowl. " Eat more, we won't waste it! "