Don't Act Stupid (1)

"Good!" Zhu Lin rubbed her wrists and rushed forward to tear Pan Yawen's clothes and hair.

"He hit someone! Hit ..." Pan Yawen craned her neck and shouted, but Su Hanyan covered her mouth.

Zhu Lin took the opportunity to hit and kick, venting her anger to her heart's content.

"Oh ... You guys ... You guys ... Too ... Too much…"

Pan Yawen's voice wailed and came out of her mouth intermittently.

"Overboard?" Zhu Lin spat at her. " No matter how overboard she is, she can't compare to you! "

"Ignore her! Hurry up and fight. We'll talk after you're done!" Su Hanyan reminded Zhu Lin.

After all, this was a factory. Although there were very few people here, there would be people coming out of the single dormitory building, so it was better to end the battle quickly.

It was not for anything else, but for her and Zhu Lin to be able to vent their anger.