Stars Surround the Moon (1)

"Got it." Su Hanyan took the piece of paper and glanced at it. " Then I'll go back and study it tonight. "



Sophomore year, University of Foreign Studies.

Yan Yi played a recording for the students and asked them to repeat it as much as possible. If they couldn't repeat the original sentence, they had to express it in their own way.

If there was a problem with the presentation, she would point it out for the students.

After entering university, the school would be divided into fast, intermediate, and slow classes. She was teaching a fast class. The students in this class were generally of a higher standard, and the progress of teaching was faster.

The teaching philosophy here was to take the lead in listening and speaking, and keep up with reading and writing. This was because most of the talents that were sent here to the country would be oral translation in the future, so there was a focus.