Envy (1)

This watch is really beautiful!

She had never seen such a beautiful watch before. She had seen people in the village wearing watches before, but none of them were as beautiful as this watch.

This watch was so expensive that it could be compared to a house in the city…But how expensive was this thing? Is it made of gold?

"Lianlian, what are you doing?" When Lin Guihua saw her daughter picking up Su Hanyan's watch on the table and looking at it, she was shocked and quickly stopped her. " Don't move! " That watch is expensive. If your sister Yan Yan breaks it, we can't afford it!"

"Yes, yes." Su Dahe also educated his daughter. " Although this is your uncle's house, we're not outsiders. However, you have to be careful. This is not our house after all. If you want to see other people's things, you have to say hello first. You can only see them if they agree! Do you remember? Lianlian!"

"Got it." Su Lian nodded and put it down reluctantly.