You're Really a Treasure (1)

The next day, Su Hanyan got off work on time. When she took the bus home, Jin Chen was already waiting for her at the door of her house. He had one hand in his pocket and was leaning against the wall. He was holding a book in his other hand and was reading attentively. At his feet was a rattan basket, and a handful of green cabbage leaves stretched out, swaying gently in the night breeze.

In the alley, people came and went. Many people cast their gazes in his direction, but he did not notice it at all. He was focused and serious.

"Jin Chen." she shouted.

Hearing her voice, Jin Chen looked up and saw her standing not far away with her bag.

"You're back?" He smiled faintly and put away the book. " I've been waiting for you for a long time. Open the door! "