Sending Her Away (1)

Ding ding ding--

The phone on the table suddenly rang, giving Su Hanyan a shock. She sat up and picked up the phone."Hello, who is it?"

"Yan Yan, it's Second Sister! Come out for a while. Second Sister is looking for you for something." Su Chanjuan's voice came from the microphone.

As long as it was related to Su Chanjuan, nothing good would happen. She had been very busy and tired these days, and now she was very sleepy, so she didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

"I'm busy." After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Su Chanjuan hadn't even finished speaking when the other party hung up the phone with a click. She was completely stunned on the spot.

"Master, I'll make another call." Hence, she called him again.

The phone rang again. Su Hanyan didn't want to pick it up, but the ringtone kept ringing.

"Yan Yan, answer the phone. This phone call is killing me!" Zhu Lin also wanted to rest, but she couldn't sleep well because of the disturbance.