Noob Pecking Each Other (1)

The two of them shook hands for a long time before Su Jingrui remembered to ask about the bastard who stabbed him,"How did you deal with that Brother Zhao?"

"I don't have time to deal with him." Su Hanyan said, " It was an emergency at that time. I flagged down a car and asked a kind-hearted person to help send you to the hospital. As for that Brother Zhao, I called the police when I arrived at the hospital. I told him the time and place and asked them to arrest him."

"That grandson is lucky that he didn't die." Su Jingrui gritted his teeth and said, " I have to go to the police station later and have a good chat with the police. I won't stop until that dog goes to jail. "

"The police will take care of that. You don't have to worry about it. Just focus on recuperating. However, I have a question to ask you…How did you find me yesterday? Moreover, it appeared in such a timely manner…" Su Hanyan asked.