Unable to Force It (1)

"Yanyan was also there that day. I don't know when she left for dinner. However, she should know about Jin Chen's situation. I just don't know if she told you about this…" Rong Qing said slowly.

Yang Hua didn't know how to react.

Why didn't he say anything?

Of course I did!

Her daughter came back crying with tears on her face. She left happily, but she returned with a heart full of scars. As a mother, she felt terrible.

These few days, she had been waiting for Rong Qing to come and give her an explanation. She had waited for so long, but it had not come. She had not expected that when she came today, the first thing she brought her was actually such news.

"Oh." Yang Hua's expression turned calm. " She really didn't tell me anything. It's no wonder. That day when she came back and locked herself in the door, she cried loudly. No matter how we asked, we couldn't get any information. If you say so, I understand. So, why did you come here today ..."