Foot Injury (1)

Su Chanjuan saw that Su Jingrui was actually defending Su Hanyan, so she casually said, ""Since when are you two wearing the same pair of pants?"

"Sis, what do you mean? Didn't Dad teach us to love each other? I'm just saying something on behalf of my little sister, and you're not happy?"

"Stop bickering, you two." Su Dajiang saw that the siblings did not get along and was afraid that they would argue, so he said, " I won't let you drink this wine anymore. That's all for today! Chanjuan, go cook dumplings. After dinner, bring Baojun back early."

"If I go, who's going to take care of him?!" Su Chanjuan said reluctantly.

"I'll go. Uncle, I'll go cook dumplings!" Su Lian hurriedly put down her chopsticks, got up, and went into the kitchen.

"I'll go help." Su Hanyan smiled lightly, got up, and left the room.

Instead of going to the kitchen, she ran out of the door and found an empty corner. She directly vomited the wine that she had poured into her stomach.