His Residence (1)

"No need, no need." Lin Guihua felt like she was being rude. " Your second uncle can't eat either. We'll just buy some food at the entrance and make do. Don't go through so much trouble. "

"Second Uncle can't eat." " He has to do a stomach checkup in the afternoon, so he can't eat, " Jin Chen reminded her.

"Okay, I won't eat it. He won't eat it."

"You guys go eat. I'll stay and take care of them." Su Jingrui also saw the hardships of his second uncle's family, so he took the initiative to buy food. " I'll buy lunch. "

"Alright." Su Hanyan asked him, " Do you still have money? "

Su Jingrui rummaged through his pockets. There was still more than ten yuan in it. He was really poor these days. This was all he had.

"I do."

"Save your money. I'll give you some money…"