Go Up and Get Beaten (1)

"What are you two talking about? Why don't I understand?" Jin Yan was puzzled. " What school? What report? Yan Yan, what did Jin Bin do?"

"Grandma, don't worry. I'll tell you everything."

So, Su Hanyan told Jin Yan everything that had happened, and Jin Yan was furious.

"You ... How could you do such an inhumane thing? Business, business, do you only have money in your eyes? Who was Yan Yan? She's Jin Chen's unmarried wife and a member of the Jin family!

You're one of us, and you're thinking about one of us? Look at you!" Jin Yan pointed at Jin Bin's nose and scolded him.

Jin Bin was already in his thirties, but after being scolded like this, he couldn't even raise his head.

However, Jin Yan's scolding was light. He was worried that Jin Yan's scolding would provoke Old Master Jin. That would be troublesome.

"Grandma, please be quiet. If you alarm my grandfather, I won't have a good ending." Jin Bin pressed his palms together and begged her.