New Opportunity and Challenge (1)

"Xiao Jin, today's surgery was very successful. Take some time to work overtime these few days and summarize the surgery process and the problems that are easy to arise. In a few days, there will be an exchange meeting between our medical circles. I want to send you to participate."

"Chief Physician Liu, the surgeries I've performed in recent years are mostly hepatobiliary and hepatobiliary surgeries. I've also performed stomach and intestine surgeries, but if we're talking about authority, Associate Chief Physician Zhang is still more authoritative. Why don't we let him attend this exchange meeting?"

"You're not bad either! You're a young man and a talent that our academy is focusing on nurturing. Therefore, the dean also wants you to go. Associate Chief Physician Zhang is getting on in years, so he might not be able to handle some of the unexpected situations during the surgery."