Her Decision

When they returned to Huaxi Village, the county hospital did not send a car. The four of them took the bus.

Along the way, Zi Wan was in low spirits.

She sat by the window and looked out at the fields without saying a word. Who would have thought that such a situation would occur? She had lost her good job. When she returned home, she didn't even know what she should do. She didn't even know how to tell her parents about this.

Su Hanyan and Zi Wan sat in the same row. She wasn't in a good mood either.

This Zi Xin had created a lot of trouble behind their backs. When he saw that the situation was not good, he actually ran away.

Not being able to catch Zi Xin really made her very unwilling.

"Hanyan." A clear voice came from the back seat.

Su Hanyan turned around and saw Lu Feifan signaling her to change seats.

It seemed that he had something to say to Zi Wan.

"Yes." Su Hanyan nodded and exchanged seats with Lu Feifan.