I'll Grant You Your Wish (1)

"Why do you still remember that?"

"Of course, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even know who to get that inkstone. Even if someone is willing to help me, they will definitely charge a very high fee!"

These words made Shao Feng a little embarrassed. Back then, he had not taken less money from others.

"Hanyan, it's all in the past. Don't mention it."

"Alright, I won't mention it."

" Okay, then what do you need me to translate for you? Give me the information in advance so that I can be prepared. " Su Hanyan said.

Shao Feng did not know much about translation and thought that she could say anything just because she could speak English.

Therefore, he did not bring any pictures or information.

"I'll give it to you next time? I came empty-handed this time."

"Okay, it's okay."

As they spoke, the waiter brought the coffee over. Su Hanyan sniffed the rich aroma of the coffee and took a sip. Her face immediately revealed an expression of enjoyment.