Looking for a New Life (1)

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you. Sister-in-law, you helped me this time. I'm grateful to you. In the future, if you need help in your life or in other areas, you can come to me. I will do my best to help you." Su Hanyan said.

An Ying smiled with tears in her eyes and gently held her hand."Thank you. Please apologize to your cousin for me later!"

"You didn't do anything wrong to her. Sister-in-law, let's not think about this anymore. Since you've decided to leave, then don't be reluctant to leave. Only by saying goodbye to those old ties can you start a new life!" Su Hanyan.

"Alright, thank you." An Ying smiled.


She had solved many problems today. When Su Hanyan wanted to leave, it was already past ten o'clock at night.

Jin Yan was worried about her safety, so she refused to let her go and asked her to stay.

Su Hanyan couldn't bear to reject the old man's kindness, so she could only agree.