Fate Is Never Fair (1)

"You ... You're not married?" Jin Ling was quite surprised.

"Yeah, we're not married. 37 years old! I'm an old bachelor!" Su Dashan mocked himself.

Jin Ling pursed her lips and felt a little embarrassed. She had poked her sore spot."I'm sorry, Third Uncle ... I thought you were married!"

"It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose." Su Dashan didn't mind.

He knew that the woman in front of him had no ill intentions.

In the past few years, the people in the village would mock him and laugh at him. So what if he was a soldier? In the end, he was worse than an ordinary person?

Moreover, he had made himself half-disabled, and none of the girls in the village would marry him.

"Third Uncle, you're such a good person. You'll definitely meet a good woman." Jin Ling comforted him.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I sincerely wish you well!" Jin Ling smiled.

"Yes." Su Dashan smiled faintly.