The Heavens Have Mercy (1)

"Jingheng, I'm afraid I'm going to give birth soon. My stomach feels a little uncomfortable!"

"Really? Didn't you say that there are still a few more days?"

"Yeah, but I feel like I'm about to give birth…" As soon as Wu Jiaojiao finished speaking, her stomach felt uncomfortable again. She felt as if something was falling. It was not her first child, so she knew this feeling. " Don't sleep with Jing Heng. Pack your things and go to the hospital. " I'm going to give birth, I'm really going to give birth!"

Originally, she had to wait for a few days. After the commotion tonight, perhaps her mood had changed too drastically, causing the child to be born early.

"Go, go, go! I'll pack my things and go to the hospital now!"

As a result, the courtyard was in a mess again. Su Jingheng packed his things overnight and took his wife to the hospital. This alarmed the entire Su family, so a group of people rushed to the hospital in a mess.