You Destroyed Me (1)

The old lady was choked by Su Hanyan's words.

She pointed at Su Hanyan and complained to the police, ""Police officer, look at her scolding! Can't you control her?"

"I think you should explain the problem clearly before you deal with her. Come, continue with the statement!" the police officer said.

Su Hanyan pulled Su Jingrui out and closed the door of the ward. The siblings stood in the corridor and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, don't take what I said to heart." Su Hanyan apologized for her inappropriate metaphor.

"It won't happen. I'm not that kind of petty person!" Su Jingrui said.

"That's good."

"There's no need to worry about the matters here. Let them be. I went to see Dad just now and talked to him. Actually, it's good that Su Chanjuan went to jail! I think the country should re-educate her! Dad also agreed…" Su Hanyan said, " This time, both sides suffered heavy losses…