Looking for Someone (1)

"My brother?" Ning Tong was instantly delighted. She could not believe that happiness had come so suddenly. " Where is she? Where did you see him?"

"One of my buddies told me that he saw him under a big bridge. We searched for so long but couldn't find him. I didn't expect my friend to drink too much and go to the bottom of the bridge to pee. I didn't expect to see a beggar! After taking a closer look, I felt that the man really looked like your brother. When I asked, the man's name was Ning Yuan. That's why I came to look for you in a hurry."

"Let's go, let's go now." Ning Tong could not wait any longer. She turned around, took her hat and scarf from the house, and followed Shao Feng.

In the middle of the night, in a cold place, the north wind whistled, and the weather was dry and cold.