Making a Will (1)

This was the second time Shen Xingchen had heard his eldest uncle and aunt curse his grandfather to die behind his back. He was really angry and pointed it out to his face this time.

"First Uncle, how bad would Grandpa feel if he heard your words? He's your biological father. How can you curse your biological father to die? To put it bluntly, this is called treason!"

Jin Dongfeng quickly defended himself. " You heard wrong. How can it be a curse?! " Old people die, so I just casually mentioned it when we were chatting."

"I don't think so. Uncle, I'm not a primary school student. Don't I know what I heard? I hope you won't curse Grandpa behind his back in the future! This is the second time I've heard you guys talk like this. If I hear it the third time, I'll go to Grandpa and tell her!"