Such Bias

In the end, Zhao Lan still didn't think she was wrong, but it occurred to her that there might be something between Shao Qiyang and Mu Jingzhe.

"Shut up!" Shao Qiyang flung her away. "You're not fit to even mention her name. You called her shameless? The most shameless people are you two."

With such a family, what right did he have to be with Mu Jingzhe?

Shao Qiyang's eyes were filled with hatred. "You disgust me."

"From now on, I will break all ties with you." Shao Qiyang turned around and left.

Zhao Lan was stunned for a moment before she suddenly lashed out. "You ingrate! You unfilial son! Let me tell you something. I don't have a son like you anymore."

Seeing that Shao Qiyang had really left, Zhao Lan slapped her legs in fury.

"What kind of a life is this? Why is my life so bitter?"

Zhao Lan cried for a long time, but no one paid her any attention. Shao Qiyun was throwing a tantrum because of the pain on her swollen, red face.