Old Lady Mu Steals An Old Man's Undershirt

Old Lady Mu treasured this big white pig very much. Most of the pigs reared in the village were black pigs. She was the only one who had a white pig. This kind of white pig was imported from overseas, and white piglets were more expensive than black piglets. However, it ate a lot, grew very quickly, and was a favorite of Old Lady Mu. She served it meticulously.

Initially, she had planned to slaughter it when Mu Xue got married. But now, Mu Xue was no longer getting married, and the big white pig was also ruined.

News of the commotion at Old Lady Mu's house quickly spread throughout the village. When Shao Xi and Shao Nan heard it, they quickly went to look for Shao Dong's paintbrush. Sure enough, they saw that the red one was missing.

"Big Brother, why didn't you ask us to come along? What if you'd gotten bitten by the pig?"

Shao Dong pretended to be puzzled. "What are you talking about? What do you mean by that? I don't get what you're saying."