You're Too Meddlesome

A trace of a smile flashed past Shao Nan's eyes. "Little Bei, you don't have to worry about that. Have you forgotten that Teacher Mu was born to be rich? She's going to marry a rich person in the future. After she marries him, there will be plenty of people helping her wash clothes. There'll be no need for her to wash clothes."

Mu Xue hadn't expected them to mention that she had been 'born to be rich'. Her face turned even redder, and she was a little angry. This was because her engagement had been broken off and also because her mother was indeed the one washing her clothes.

"Shao Nan, Shao Bei, you don't have to mock me. I just heard some gossip and think that it's bad for your father and you kids. That's why I warned you. I didn't mean anything else by it."

Mu Xue wasn't a fool and could sense the change in the children's attitude toward her. It wasn't like this in the past. Ever since Mu Jingzhe had become their mother, everything had changed.