Doing What One Can

It wasn't just Xiao Wu. The five kids were all the same. Mu Jingzhe supported their hobbies, which was why Shao Nan was so outstanding and why Shao Xi had managed to publish his novel. It was also why Shao Dong was already earning money at such a young age, why Little Bei had become the youngest movie queen, and why Xiao Wu's talent had been discovered.

When Shao Qihai had come back and seen these earth-shattering changes, other than feeling grateful to Mu Jingzhe, he had blamed himself. He thought that he definitely had to treat his children well in the future, but he still couldn't keep up.

"Ji Bu… Teacher, thank you." Shao Qihai thanked him. "Please tell me again what to do after this."

Shao Qihai thanked him seriously and addressed Ji Buwang as 'you'. He admired him as a teacher from the bottom of his heart. Ji Buwang was really a good teacher.