Why Did They Witness Such A Fiery Scene As Soon As They Came?

Little Bei didn't know why an autograph was worth it, but she supported Mu Jingzhe if she liked it. "Sure, who does Mommy like? I'll get an autograph for you when I see that person in the future."

"No need, no need. You're their colleague. There's no need to do this. I can do it myself." She wasn't someone who chased after celebrities either, so how could she trouble Little Bei?

Mu Jingzhe suddenly looked at Little Bei. "Little Bei, I almost forgot about you. Sign one for me too. You're the youngest movie queen."

Little Bei was surprised. "Can I sign for Mommy too?"

"Of course. Little Bei, you are amazing. You're the youngest movie queen. Who's qualified to sign autographs if you're not?"

Mu Jingzhe was serious. Although Little Bei was now her daughter and she was looking at her through certain filters, she was still proud of Little Bei when she saw her acting.

In the acting field, Little Bei was truly professional and worthy of recognition.