Shao Qiyun Encounters Ji Buwang

Shao Qiyun wanted to dodge, but the person called Cao Yang pulled her back. "You were so arrogant previously. Why are you hiding now? Do you think this matter is over just like that? Let me tell you something—it's not over!"

Mu Jingzhe's face darkened as she listened to Xiao Mei's apology. Based on Cao Yang's words, she learned that Shao Qiyun also wanted to act. Initially, there had been a third female role, but Xiao Mei had already confirmed that she would portray it. In the end, Shao Qiyun had appeared out of nowhere and claimed to be Shao Bei's aunt. Then, for some reason, Xiao Mei had been replaced.

According to the gossip, although Shao Bei was young, she was the youngest movie queen and she had some say in the movie, so she had spoken for her aunt. That was why the director had decided to use Shao Qiyun.