Human Trafficker

That day, when Mu Jingzhe brought Xiao Wu back, Ji Buwang didn't come. He could tell that Xiao Wu was still conflicted and needed some time to accept it, so he didn't come to disturb him.

However, he couldn't help but go shopping that day and he bought a lot of things.

In the past, Ji Buwang had always wanted to be the five kids' stepfather. He had even specifically learned about this before, but because he wasn't yet, he had always kept his distance.

Now that he knew that Xiao Wu was his biological nephew and his older brother's son, how could he tolerate it? He wanted to give Xiao Wu everything and couldn't help but buy a lot of stuff. He even started to make plans to support Xiao Wu.

Previously, Xiao Wu had been his student, and he had been very concerned about him. However, because Xiao Wu had been Shao Qihai's son, he had always kept a sensible distance. Now, he still had to be sensible, but he could always give him things openly and make plans.