The Embarrassing Things That Happened While They Were Acting As Each Other

Little Bei was the most adapted to acting like Shao Nan. After filming started, she became Little Fish. When she was not filming, she would act like Shao Nan to hone her acting skills.

Little Bei's determination and acting skills were no joke. The entire production team didn't notice anything was amiss with Little Bei and really treated her as Shao Nan. Director Jiang praised Shao Nan for being a genius. Because filming went smoothly, he praised Little Bei every day.

Little Bei was like a fish in water and felt extremely happy. This made Shao Nan suffer. He was forced to become Little Bei, and he really didn't know how to act. He had a wig on his head and a dark expression on his face every day, looking very unwilling all this while.

Of course, he was even more unwilling to wear a dress. This was where he drew the line, so Little Bei and Mu Jingzhe didn't force him.